Monday, October 20, 2008

STO: Bad Day

You know those days where everything goes just right for you?

This was not one of those days for me.

Not so brief summary: I woke up at 11 having gone to bed at 5am, after the Red Sox got eliminated from the postseason. I have a class at 11am but I decide to skip it because it sucks. I don't have any contact fluid so I haven't been wearing contacts for the last few days, so I put on my breakfast, get ready for school, check my facebook yadayada, skip breakfast and bike to school, stopping by the pharmacy to grab contact solution. I get some generic contact solution at the store but I realized I didn't bring my keys so I couldn't lock my bike, so I go back home after getting the solution to get my keys. As a result, I'm 15 minutes late to my 2nd class, although it turns out my 1st class was canceled because my professor was ill. The one stroke of fortune on that day. I basically doze through my 3 classes, all of which were shitty and uneventful. Then there's an indoor ultimate practice on, but I decide to take it easy because my ankle's finally getting better and I think that some extra rest and it'll be back to normal. I have Karate later that night anyways, and indoor Frisbee is a joke. Well halfway through it I decide to go to practice and I joined in the scrimmage and reaggravated my ankle. It wasn't a severe OUCH moment but my ankle definitely feels worse today than it did yesterday. Great. It hurts enough that I decide to skip Karate which I feel bad about. I go back outside to where I locked my bike...and see nothing. I know exactly where I parked and locked my bike, and there is nothing there. I bought that bike on Thursday, throwing down 200 euro with a promise of 100 back if I returned it in good condition. I biked home from school once, and to school once. That's it. And it's freaking gone. So now at home, I'm hitting the bottle and hoping Italy is better.

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